Thursday, January 31, 2013

Two more tracking days.....

Forgot to post my update from Tuesday.... I only had a soccer game on Tuesday, didn't get a second workout in, but I am happy with my numbers - well except for my active score, I much rather have that over 1000....

And for yesterday.. I had boot camp at 5 AM and then I went and joined my first Luke's Social Run with my running group and I have to say I liked it.. Not necessarily the running, but definitely the group environment... I was much happier with yesterday's activity all around :)....

Tonight Dave and I are doing a free 5K at Luke's Locker called the Nike Rival Prediction Run. You don't wear a watch and you predict your time prior to the start, if you predict your time you win a Nike prize!!

Wish us luck! XOXO

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First Tracking Notes

Here are my first tracking stats from my Fitbit. I did boot camp for an hour and then ran for 20 minutes last night for my daily activity. I also tracked my food for the first day through the Fitbit website...

Kinda awesome! I love seeing what I accomplished...

Tonight my indoor team is playing in the finals, so I will only do one workout today.. It will not be nearly as impressive numbers as Monday, but hopefully we can beat the undefeated team in our league tonight and get a free t-shirt :)..

Wish us luck.. XOXO

Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 4 and my Fitbit

I am officially on Week 4 of my Luke's Locker BGO training program.. Man, it is tough, I really and not the biggest fan of running, but I am getting it done, step by step... I bought a new pair of running shoes today. I have had my current Adidas SuperNova Glide 4s since late August and it was definitely time for a new pair.. Every 3-4 months I should get a new pair (more towards 3 months now that I have added running into the mix). I ended up with the Adidas SuperNova Glide 5s... I am excited, they are silver with a bright (almost highlighter color pink)... Should be fun...

In other exciting news.... My sisters and their families gave me a Fitbit for my birthday.. I have researched until I am blue in the face to determine which would be the best calorie/step/mileage tracker. I finally decided on the Fitbit. Although the Nike Fuelband is cooler looking, it seems that the Fitbit will give a more detailed breakdown of the data and that is what I am looking for.. SO, I got it last Friday and have worn it non-stop since then. I LOVE IT! I love checking to see where I am at during the day with my step count, calories burned and floors climbed... It is crazy to see the number of steps I get through in an hour boot camp, a 30 minute jog and then during the day with normal activities...

BIG FAN! Now, I will be able to update on my numbers as I blog.. Yay me :)... XOXO

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back into the swing of things

Horrible blogger, I know.... What can you do?? With the holidays behind us, we moved straight into Camille and Avery's 3rd birthday celebration! I can't believe my babies are going to be 3 on Sunday.. Crazy town... Here are a few pics...

Camille on the left, Avery on the right.. This was the evening they were born!

This is November just a few months shy of turning 3... Avery on the left, Camille on the right...

It blows my mind that these two strong, beautiful and funny (so funny) little girls are my babies... God I love them!!

Anyway..... Back to regular scheduled programming.. I went back to WW last week, and then my first weigh in after getting back to it was this past Saturday.. I lost 5.3 lbs - which is awesome, however, I am still up almost 8-9 lbs from the end of October.. I can do it.. Last week I tweaked my ankle on Monday night playing soccer, and was literally not able to work out until my 4 mile run on Saturday morning..So, that 5.3 lbs was all diet, now adding working out into the mix, I am hoping for another strong week (and after the way I ate Sunday and Monday i need to bounce back big time).....

My first official race with my Luke's group is this Saturday morning. I am excited (especially since it is only a 5K and we have run 4 miles the past couple of Saturdays).....  I also have an indoor soccer game on Friday night, random, at 7:00 and if my team can pull out a win, we will make the playoffs for the first time ever! So exciting!!

This weekend my in laws are in town to celebrate the girls turning 3. Their birthday is on Sunday and I can't wait to celebrate with them!!  Sunday night we have their birthday dinner that we are sharing with their cousin Chloe, whose birthday is Monday...

So much going on, and so little time.. My goal this week is to go to bootcamp Monday (check), Tuesday, and Thursday... Run Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday..... Indoor Friday and 5K Saturday morning.. Pray for me :)

Have a great short week! XOXO.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Second run happens today...

So, I was super nervous on Saturday for my 3 mile tester run... It went great, I ran a 34:30 time for the 3 miles. The next step was waiting to find out which color group I would be placed into and what my training schedule for the week would be. I really am a big fan of breaking the training up by the week - that way you (I) don't get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of training you have over the next 20 weeks.

Turns out I am in the slowest (no real shocker there) group in my Quick Beat program. I am okay with that for now, but my goal will be to move to the next group by the end of this training. I can do it.. This is really going to help me trim down and make boot camp better for me so I think I can do it!

The other scheduled activities I have had going on have kept me busy. Saturday afternoon my high school held their Alumni Game. I was not going to play and then decided at the last minute "what the hell." What I didn't realize was that I would be playing against the current BL Varsity team. WOW are they young! I was the oldest alumni by about 10 years, so I felt my age. What I will say is that even being so much older, I held my own out there and even scored a goal :)... It was fun and I am glad I did it. Next year my goal will be to get some of my old teammates out there with me!

Boot camp officially kicked off for the month of January yesterday morning, it was great but exhausting! I rounded out the day with an indoor game at 10:45 PM - so basically I woke up at 4:30 and fell asleep around 1:30 - that is what I call a long day....

So back to the title of this post... I have my second run today. 20 minutes with a 5 minute tempo. I had no idea what that meant, so I asked a co-worker who is an avid runner and she explained that I had to run faster than my normal pace for that 5 minute period. The only issue is that it is supposed to rain today, so I brought my stuff with me and will get on the treadmill at the office at like 4:00 today and knock out my 20 minutes before going to pick up the girls at my moms house..

Wish me luck :) XOXO

Friday, January 4, 2013


Well, I went to the informational meeting at Luke's Locker for the running club I joined that starts tomorrow morning.. I am not sure why, but I was SOOOO nervous going into the meeting.. I know it is crazy, I know that I have gotten myself into shape at least to get out there and run - but when I am not as comfortable with my ability to do something, I have a sense of dread and unease that comes over me..

I sat quietly through the meeting and didn't say anything or ask any questions. After we finished I cornered the administrator of the program and talked to her.. GOD, I felt so much better after that! I told her where I started and where I am at now and what I have been doing with boot camp.. I also told her that this is in addition to boot camp and NOT my only fitness practice that I am doing.. She was great and said that we could work on adjusting my monthly calendar to fit with boot camp.  Now, I am excited!

Tomorrow kicks off the 20 week program.. We have a timed 3 mile run that will put us into our pace groups and then it goes from there.. I am excited and ready to have this new activity added to my program.

I am ready to lose this last 35-45 pounds - I am ready to feel stronger and faster - I am ready to get back to the me I was 12 years ago.. It is exciting, intimidating and nerve wracking all in one...


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ready set.....

GOOOOOO.... I am SO ready to get 2013 underway.  Bootcamp tomorrow afternoon, running club meeting Thursday, bootcamp Friday and my first run with Luke's Locker on Saturday.. I couldn't be more excited...

Now, the one dilemma I have is what monitoring device to get.. Unfortunately I will not be able to everything I want with one thing, so I am thinking I am going to do the Nike+ Fuel Band and either a Polar or Garmin watch... They are all pretty expensive, so I will be putting them both on my birthday list!!

I am excited to start tracking my food again tomorrow and get back on my weight loss journey. I have (after gaining 9 pounds - ouch) 40 pounds to go... LET'S DO THIS!!!